What happens when doctors don’t believe you? What happens when you spend over 2 years being told you’re fine, but you can feel that you are not? When you can’t seem to get anyone to hear you or search harder or refer you to a specialist.
You end up feeling like so many other people in this situation. I went from feeling like the doctor was right and maybe I was crazy to finally believing my body and making an attempt to advocate for myself. In this process, that I’ve only just recently started, I’m finding lots of blogs, Facebook groups, YouTube videos of people describing the same thing. Being blown off for years and years and years. It took them advocating for themselves and not taking no for an answer and almost demanding tests or referrals before being taken seriously.
We know our bodies. We know when something isn’t right. And I’ve come to the conclusion that if it’s going to be found then it’s on me to put in the work and research.
I have a laundry list of symptoms that have been treated individually for years. And I feel like there has to be a common denominator. One primary source of all these smaller issues. I just feel like 36 should not feel this exhausting or require this many medications treating singular issues for there to not be a source.
I know this content is a little different for my blog, but the ultimate purpose of Pineapple and Palms is about finding self love and healing in a supportive place. Seriously, it’s even in the About Me page lol. I know that mostly contains travel and mental health driven posts, but I thought, why not this journey too? I mean, if I’m searching for healing and all of my lovely subscribers and friends are on their own journeys of self love or growth then maybe they need this too. Maybe there is someone out there needing to hear that they believe you and you are not alone. Whether that’s getting out of an abusive relationship, tackling single parenting, feeling like you’re drowning, suffering from an invisible disease, mental health or otherwise. We all need a support group. If I can track down answers or if any of my story helps bring someone else closer to what they need then all the better.
So here I am. Sharing with you guys as we embark on this one together.
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